![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:26 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Have a car.
The White House has barred the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! The Associated Press and Time are now considered boycotted.
BBC? AP? NYT? These are some of the most prestigious sources of journalism in the world and they are being purposely blocked by the White House. This is fascism 101 and we are barely a month in.
You would have to have some incredible mental gymnastics not to be even a little bit concerned about this...
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:29 |
And they still haven’t responded to Oppo’s request to have a correspondent in the pool.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:31 |
Damn, those bastards...
Its probably corporate’s fault for removing Jalopnik from the url. Cant think of another reason.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:31 |
Damn, those bastards...
Its probably corporate’s fault for removing Jalopnik from the url. Cant think of another reason.
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But everything is fake news except Breitbart and InfoWars
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Why would you do that to that beautiful Lincoln? The Lincoln incident is terrible. It just happened the other week. Why is no one reporting on it? Oppo has it’s own agenda. It’s just terrible really.
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I happened to see them talking about this on CNN over lunch. They’re saying, basically, let’s not freak out about this too much because it’ll play into the Trumpkins’ hand. Also it wasn’t a full press briefing, it was a gaggle, which is a smaller-scale and not televised gathering.
Still bad though.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:34 |
As always, blame Travis
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Pretty soon the list of those in attendance will be shorter than those that are banned.
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Interesting you chose the one car tied to a presidential assassination. Clever. Dangerous.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:36 |
Damn, those bastards...
Its probably corporate’s fault for removing Jalopnik from the url. Cant think of another reason.
Sorry. Dwhite replied twice and I wanted to keep it going.
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Say what you will about the stance, but I absolutely love how it looks laying out.
Also, yeah. That’s really shitty. It’s going to be bad.
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We’re not like that Fake News Univision owned site. We report the TRUTH.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:39 |
Totally didnt consider that.
Not advocating, but I’m gonna leave it.
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a bit too clever...
... I’ve notified the proper authorities for re-education/bear hunting
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He also said reporters “shouldn’t be allowed” to use unnamed sources.
This, a day after the administration trotted out a government representative to talk to the press but refused to tell them the name of the representative.
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Shockingly this might be on me more than kinja. My left click has been sticking like crazy recently.
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I’d have thought removing jalopnik would add credibility.
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Plenty of deplorables believe that. A few even read this site, I fear.
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I thought about changing it on haloween because I think Kinja allows duplicates.
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Also this. Remember, Trump specifically attacked the media today over the use of unnamed sources.
Priebus said a Wall Street Journal story about how intelligence officials have kept some sensitive materials from Trump was “untrue.” He said officials in the “top levels of the intelligence community” had told him the Times’ story on Russia and the Trump campaign was “complete garbage.”
When asked who his sources were, Priebus demurred. “I’m not going to tell you,” he said. “I can’t tell you that.”
“Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Reince,” host Chris Wallace responded. “You just complained about unnamed sources you are using an unnamed source.”
“Well, because I didn’t ask for approval to use their name,” Priebus said. “But I will tell you this when I say top-level people, I mean top-level people, OK?” ( HuffPo )
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Yeah, there are a few I went to high school with that seem to believe that too.
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It does. That was practically a theme day a few months ago. Many duplicates and no way to smack them all
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The swamp draining. Its coming soon, I know it...
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I find it odd how many in BC seem to be of that bent. Especially when you go out into the valley.
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Obama bisexual frogs are related to the lizard people. They put iodine and liberal juice in the water! Buy my end times bomber shelter kit for three easy payments of $26995 and I’ll throw in my alpha man brain supplements as a bonus gift!
![]() 02/24/2017 at 15:52 |
Porkins will be the first to go.
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Alright, I came into the thread because of the car, so I might as well offer a remark or two.
*Press organizations are fundamentally organizations, organizations with political positions and operation. This used to be so obvious as to be trivial. Our recent tradition has been to pretend otherwise, with some level of concommitant practice by the organizations in question (to greater or lesser degree, a debate).
*These organizations have, in quite a few cases, stated a unified political opposition to Trump or have made one clear. Is it any surprise that adversarial actions will get taken?
*A press gaggle is not a public event, and there is no special and unique status that a member of a given press organ enjoys that is not by concession. A privilege.
*related, there is no such thing as a press organ which is too big to fail. So to speak.
*These organs are entirely within their rights to declare any such presentation illegitimate. Legitimacy of such an event is conferred by both sides engaging - it is not sacred or hallowed practice with definition in law or direct imputation
*Mean-girling the press is very arguably unprofessional, rude, banana republic, any number of things. What it is *not* is persecution, nor a restriction of the free speech of anyone. There is no first amendment mandate to allow a political enemy, no matter how truthful or well-regarded, to attend any discussion or event.
*What this all comes down to, then, is the message sent to the press. You are perfectly within your rights to regard it as chilling and a bad omen and worrisome and all those other things. However:
*This act is *not*, in fact, “textbook fascism”. Not all fascism is via strong-man politics, not all strong-man politics are fascism, nor are all shows of influence or “the bully pulpit” authoritarianism. Your Godwinning does not help you win this argument.
*By sheer irony, attempting to control a nominally independent press is closer to classic examples of fascism than other authoritarianism *simply by being less authoritarian than a fully state press*. I doubt that is what you had in mind, however.
In short, it’s fine to take this as a bad sign, creepy, and all these other things, but your arguments must be stronger.
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But now since I’ve said it out loud I suppose it wouldn’t be funny now.
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I’ve seen it from several people. I don’t know. I’d probably just blame Kinja.
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always works in our household!
![]() 02/24/2017 at 16:00 |
BC is a very strange place politically. Metro Vancouver is quite liberal, and multicultural, but as soon also you go out of town, that all changes. Even the larger places like Kelowna or Kamloops. Not necessarily a predictor of political views, but you should see the stares and doubles takes my girlfriend and I get in small towns (I’m white, she’s half asian). Not so in the valley, but politically, there is a reason it’s called the bible belt of BC.
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I really wish that was a less plausible ad
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The ad writes for itself.
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NPR reported that after this speech, an administration official gave a private briefing with a few outlets about the speech and then requested that his name be withheld. What.The.Fuck.
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I should add, I love small town BC for other reasons, and spend as much time out of town as I can, my dad and lots of other family are from rural BC. But hearing people casually complaining about “sand ni**ers”, and other colourful thing like that, gets really old, really fast.
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Only anonymous sources from the administration will be tolerated. War is peace. Freedom is slavery.
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I’m printing press passes as I type.
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The last time I was in Langley, a guy hit me up about Trump (maybe saw the plates on my car). He was a BIG fan, it kind of shocked me. That far into the valley isn’t exactly monocultural, but you’d never know it. I have a friend in PG who tells me amusing stories here. To be fair, if you venture outside of coastal cities south of the border, it can change quickly too.
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Nice places to visit, not sure if I’d want to live there. Maybe retirement when you don’t have to deal with so many people.
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More concerned about the things those organizations consistently report in a way that’s — intentionally or not — misleading, incomplete, and/or misrepresented. Crap, this became apparent to me personally before I ever gave a f*ck about politics or was anywhere close to voting age.
Not sure the way the White House has taken them on is the best way to do it, but it’s about damn time someone held the Press accountable. Hell, it is time.
Of course they scream and moan...they don’t enjoy being called out or held responsible. And btw Time and AP boycotted on their own to protest the others being excluded.
If this doesn’t make sense, you may be getting news and op-ed from too few, or too-similar, sources.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 19:12 |
So why wasnt Fox News excluded, or Brietbart? They lie or mislead just as much in not more than an organization like the BBC or NYT.
Looking at fox in particular, never seen graphs like these on CNN or MSNBC.
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Whats interesting is that documentary that the son of the Johnson & Johnson owner ran into the same issue like what Trump is doing where there was a conference and he couldn’t film it, but also only certain were allowed to be in it & the coordinator of the conference (who obviously was trying to deflect his cronyism) basically said “yeah im not being a jerk, but you normal poor people cant sit in for this”
![]() 02/24/2017 at 19:43 |
Red Six reporting in.
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Had to wait until I had the time to respond to this
*Various outlets have done such thing to previous presidents as well, that didnt mean they were banned from press events. I also understand that some have tried anyways
*Thats fine, but the main issue is that some organizations were hand picked specifically because they have been nice to the Trump presidency.
*As mentioned earlier, sure.
*There is a substantial risk when a administration essentially says “Print nice things or you are false”
*Freedom of speech maybe not, freedom of the press I would argue otherwise. I would also argue that our way of government fails to exist without a free and independent media
*My point on textbook fascism was the idea of restriction of the press. The idea that we will only allow access and time to organizations that print the kind of things we will, ask the questions that we like. Attempt to create a media that prints only the story that is being pushed, and specially single-out and prevent others from participating.
*Fascism and authoritarianism are incredibly similar. But yes, some arguments might align themselves closer with authoritarianism,
*My argument is that we have an administration that just one month in is well on its way to saying that they are the only source of credible information. Anyone who reports a story against the administration is fake news, anyone who agrees with the narrative is reputable. I’d be far less concerned if someone in power opened an investigation to determine whether or not the *numerous*stories are based in fact or not, however those in power have said that’s not necessary, blind trust is more than enough. I’m not a fan of blind trust of someone who spends his days ranting on twitter.
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Formally, I think the issues with Rhodes shopping narratives and bragging about an echo chamber while his own brother was a major news agency head is a much more sinister kind of influence on the press than an adversarial one, but it would be *nice* if we didn’t have either.
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We can agree there, thats for sure.
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FDR made a point of owning the press, Truman bickered with them constantly - just as one bit of framework. We’ve been here before, and will be here again.
![]() 02/24/2017 at 22:38 |
last couple weeks jre just been a long rant about snowflakes
![]() 02/25/2017 at 08:10 |
sit back and eat popcorn.